Over the last couple years, Ginelle and I have gotten more and more into biking, especially mountain bicycling. It's ironic, actually: for five years we lived in Asheville, one of the mountain bicycling meccas of the East Coast -
Warren Wilson College even had a mountain bicycling team, for Pete's sake - and yet we never rode, other than the occasional commute to Downtown Books and News.
When we moved to Bloomington - a bike-crazy town in its own right - we started commuting by bike as often as we could manage. In fact, after getting moved into our first house, we managed to not even start our cars for a month. Somewhere along the way we acquired mountain bikes, then got road bikes, then sold our old mountain bikes for new ones. A vicious cycle, I tell ya. Pun intended.

Since then, we've taken biking trips in Colorado, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia. The picture of us to the left was taken on October 10th at the
6th Annual Brown County Breakdown. We'd just finished 12 of the 42 total miles we ended up doing that day. (We didn't look nearly so fresh and perky after pedaling the 42. In fact, our legs fell off.)
Biking is something we love to do together, and so
going tandem has become a little "inside" metaphor for our wedding. Two in one!

So maybe this is what we'll look like come May 28th:
(photo nicked from here)I'm kidding, of course. My beard doesn't get that full.
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